we heartily invite you to attend:
1th-2th International Cat Show in Uzhgorod, Ukraine
date of the show: 13th + 14th October 2012
closing date: 30th September 2012
Judges invited:
Mrs. Stolyarova Svetlana 1, 2, 3, 4 category
Mrs. Tatiana Boiko 1,2,3 category
Mrs. Sona Ivankova 1,2 category
Place of the show:
Uzhgorod, sroptcomplex Yunost, ul.Zankoveckoj, 5
GPS : 48°36'44"N 22°17'22"E
this hotel is only 5 min. from sportcomlex Yunost
http://hotelmaps.com.ua/search.php?setl ... _search=20
entries shoudl be sent and more informations you can get:
Ludmila Mizernaya
+38 099 112 93 49
+38 068 555 16 70